
The Benefits of Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) in Nigeria

The Real Estate Financial Trust (REIT) is a financial instrument that allows people to participate in real estate without actually owning any properties. These investment trusts work by combining money from different investors to buy, look after, and make money from a variety of real estate holdings.

Gaining an understanding of REITs’ advantages might help you as an experienced or inexperienced investor to see why they are an appealing investment choice.

Read further below:

  • Accessibility and Diversification

 Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) provide investors with access to a broad range of real estate assets, from office buildings to retail centres, residential complexes, hotels, and more. By distributing risk among several property kinds and geographical areas, this diversification offers a degree of stability that may not be possible with individual property ownership. Moreover, a broad spectrum of investors can readily access REITs due to their trading on major stock markets.

  • Consistent Revenue Stream

 The capacity of REITs to produce a steady revenue stream is one of their main selling points. By law, REITs are required to pay dividends to shareholders representing a sizeable amount of their income—typically 90% or more. Income-oriented investors who are looking for a consistent stream of cash flow from their investments may find this constant income to be very alluring.

  • Liquidity and Transparency

REIT shares are exchanged on stock markets, which makes them more transparent than real property ownership, which can be rather illiquid and take time to sell. Because of this liquidity, investors can purchase or sell their shares with ease, giving them flexibility and the opportunity to liquidate their holdings swiftly if necessary. Furthermore, REITs are transparent about their financial performance and operations to investors since they are governed and subject to strict reporting standards.

  • Expert Management and Minimised Risk

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are overseen by proficient experts who deal with property procurement, rental agreements, upkeep, and additional operational facets. In addition to lessening the load on individual investors, this expert management also helps to minimise some of the hazards that come with owning real estate, like problems with property management or vacant properties.

  • Tax Benefits

 REITs frequently receive advantageous tax treatment. As long as they meet certain regulatory criteria, they are exempt from corporate taxes due to their structure. A larger amount of money can be distributed as dividends to shareholders thanks to this tax-efficient structure.


If you want to invest in real estate but don’t want to deal with the hassles of property ownership, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are a great choice. REITs can provide you with an avenue to enter the real estate market, while simultaneously reaping the benefits of expert management and possible real estate value appreciation. However, as you should before every investment choice, carefully evaluate investment objectives and risk tolerance.

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